- This session will be focused on providing an insider’s view of CPI and CPI’s 2023 priorities
- We will cover the use of the Government Accountability Office Fraud Risk Management Framework to develop anti-fraud strategies and react to emerging threats, updates on our Marketplace fraud work, and opportunities for private-public collaboration.

Jennifer Dupee
Jennifer Dupee, Director. Audits & Vulnerabilities Group. Center for Program Integrity
In her role as the Director of the Audits and Vulnerabilities Group, Ms. Dupee identifies and develops comprehensive mitigation strategies addressing program integrity risks for all of CMS' programs, provides oversight of Medicare Part C and Part D plans and the Federally Facilitated Exchanges, and implements CMS’ Comprehensive Medicaid Integrity Plan. Prior to her current role at CPI, Ms. Dupee worked on such initiatives as the improper payment rate measurement for the Medicare fee-for-service program, Open Payments, and the Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership. Ms. Dupee also completed a Congressional detail with the House Committee on Ways and Means, responsible for a portfolio of Medicare fee-for-service and program integrity issues. Ms. Dupee has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Wisconsin, a Master of Science in Nursing and a Master of Business Administration from Johns Hopkins University, and a Juris Doctor Degree with a Health Law Certificate from the University of Maryland.