Omar Ali Fdal | Kisaco Research


Omar has a passion for creating products that unlock the value of data and address the challenges organizations face in managing and using data at enterprise scale. 

As a former engineer, Omar saw the opportunity to help organizations utilize more data without breaching privacy regulations, and co-founded Statice in 2018, a Berlin-based state-of-the-art data privacy technology company. With the company’s other co-founders, Mikhail Dyakov and Sebastian Weyer, they focused on delivering software that helps enterprises generate privacy-preserving synthetic data compliant for any type of data integration, processing and dissemination. The company was acquired by Anonos in October 2022. Following the acquisition, Omar joined the Anonos executive leadership team as Chief Data Scientist & Head of Privacy Research. Omar drives research and development of technology innovation to help organizations uncover the answers to the burning data privacy questions to support their business objectives.  

Prior to co-founding Statice, Omar worked as a research engineer in the field of search and data mining for several companies, such as the Amadeus IT Group, based in France. He also co-founded Hupp, an urban mobility startup in southern France. 

Omar speaks six languages fluently. He holds a master’s degree in computer science and has studied at IMT Atlantique in France (formerly Télécom Bretagne) and Uppsala University in Sweden. 

Omar is based in Berlin, Germany. 

Job Title: 
Chief Data Scientist & Head of Privacy Research