Nello Mainolfi
Founder, President, CEO
Kymera Therapeutics

Fiona Davies
National Buyer
Holland and Barrett
Fiona previously worked in the wine industry within Aldi’s award-winning buying team. She moved into category management at Holland & Barrett in October 2018 and spearheaded the alcohol free proposition, sourcing new and innovative suppliers with the intention of offering customers an exciting mix of quality alcohol free options on the high street. The range launched in July 2019 and is growing in success, accounting for 50% of the total ‘free from’ category sales.

Michal Sharon
Associate Professor
The Weizmann Institute

Matthew Bogyo
Group Leader and Professor
Stanford University School of Medicine

Marcus Groettrup
Chair of Immunology
Konstanz University

Lawrence Dick
Seofon Consulting

Kandaswamy Vijayan

John Price
Assistant Professor
Brigham Young University

John Houston

James Winkler
Head of Degrader Technologies
Frontier Medicines