Jay Prakash
CEO and Co-Founder
Silence Laboratories

Oliver Weisser
Director, Commercial Operations
Ginkgo Bioworks

Jacquelin Gaulin
Gastro Girl Inc. and Host of Gastro Girl Podcast

Moreno Perugini
President Pharma
Nestle Health Sciences

Bertrand Foing
Founder & CEO
Secretarium & Klave
Bertrand Foing is the founder and CEO of Secretarium. He started his career in 2008 at Société Générale on the structured credit derivatives trading desk. He delivered both super-scalable, real-time solutions using tens of thousands of machines, and a series of high-performance tools for trading. Bertrand joined Société Générale’s Crypto and Blockchain Lab in 2014 and gained a deep understanding of trustless systems and privacy-enhancing technologies. He created Secretarium in 2016 to focus on privacy-preserving/confidential computing. With the help of the co-founder Cédric Wahl, they have achieved great success with major international institutions, and delivered an easy-to-adopt confidential computing platform, Klave, in 2023.

Paul Moayyedi
Professor, Medicine
McMaster University