Ferring Pharmaceuticals

Iddo Weiner

Mina Pastagia

Johnny Tran
A snapshot of what our audience are talking about right now.
A breakdown of the Enterprise Generative AI Community by technical focus and company category.

Jenna Galardi
Jenna Galardi has over a decade of experience helping businesses grow online. Whether the business is a startup or a Fortune 100 company, they rely on Jenna’s expertise as a growth accelerator. From award-winning website design and development to inbound marketing tactics of search-engine-optimization, content creation, pay-per-click, email marketing, social media and influencer marketing - she loves connecting businesses to the right customers online.
In her current role as Director of Omnichannel Growth, she leads the consultation arm and Omnichannel Certified Agency Program at Feedonomics. Focusing on helping merchants strengthen their online presence and adopt social commerce, marketplaces, and product feed optimization solutions to scale their growth. Jenna is proud to be a strategic resource to her customers and partners.